Check it out!
The moral is: Put humour on your life.
Long time ago, so far away, there was a Kingdom with bearded men. Some minister, suppose he was called Esquilache, who was smooth-cheeked had an idea.It was to make compulsory for men to shave.
In that time the Kingdom was suffering incessant stealing and murders, and beard help criminals to not be recognised.
It was clear that this measure will help to pacify the Kingdom.
The law, as we know nowadays, was more o less like this:
Since now, beards would be punished.
A shave kit would be handed over to every man.
Men would have to shave every day.
This law has in consideration the creation of a new public position, this is: The Official and Royal Barber of the Great Kingdom.
This noble position will be exercised by the beardest man of the Kingdom, by now the honor belongs to the lucky Marquis of Ensenada.
In case The Royal barber become unwell, the position will be exercised by the next breadest.
Only men whose situation hinders them to shave themselves would have to visit the official barber of the Kingdom. Men who shave themselves cannot be shaved by the barber.
Anyone who breaks this law would be punished with exile.
This enlightened reform was soon criticized.
The main question was: Who will shave the barber?
Do you need a clue? Well, That's the way the story ends:
As we told, the law was unaccepted, and the oppositors saw on it a chance to reproach the enlightened measures of the minister, and they started something similar to a revolution. It made the King ask for Esquilache to get exiled.
I explained the ending because ther's some clue on it. Just say that the revolution was started by Ensenada, who, even that at the begining was happy with his royal position, soon realized of some contradiction on it.
Ah! That's me before and after the law, and before the exile.
Can anybody explain if someone get exiled?
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